Very nice to have met and played with Chris over the last 10 years on and off. I hope you enjoyed the bottle of whiskey you kindly gave me some money for a few years back! Hopefully see you in another life.
15th October 2017
I first met Chris in the 1980’s when EVERY Tuesday evening at 9pm he’d arrive at the Rose and Crown and play the piano very capably for a couple of hours to entertain us. Over the ensuing years we’d occasionally meet in the Summertown environs, usually with his bike. He was always charming, cheerful and grinning from cheek to cheek. We’d spend a few minutes whilst he’d always ask after my family, the business and usually offer an anecdote or two. He was a most courteous, polite, thoughtful, charming, interested and interesting man. My heartfelt condolences, we’ll miss him. RIP Chris x
15th October 2017
Such a gift to have Chris as next-door neighbour for over 15 years, as a friend with an ever-open door, as a source of information on the Close and community, as a helpful gardener and handyman, for his extraordinary musical talents, his knowledge and interest in history, sharing of books and DVDs, drinks and meals, his humour, sometimes quite sharp, joie de vivre, his 'breaking and entering' skills when our children forgot their keys to our flat (the quick twist and bend of a metal coathanger inserted through the lock, no problem - though we have changed the system since!), his organisation of the Chestnut Lawn party including his generalship of the tent erection army. Such a tragedy for such zest for and interest in life to be struck down. He didnt accept his fate though he faced it courageously: ' this is a bummer and I cant do anything about it' .
1st October 2017